Illustration 1: INTERCONNECTIVITY at its early phase (13 brain tumor patients undergone surgery using SmartForceps System, interlinked through unique patient-specific data (patent pending @2024)). Mimicking the human-brain network, graph database creates inter-connections seeking commonality across the spectrum, for precise and accurate output. In contrast to traditional database that are table-based (rows and columns for ease of computing and statistical analyses, e.g. excel), graph data platform such as INTERCONNECTIVITY, not only explores contextual relationship between entities based on the nodes, but draws inferences and even reveal unknown or hidden signals based on knowledge.

Thank you for your support in whatever way you wish to connect or help.

A human body is a minefield of data (and so is the world)…. imagine a time when a common thread, within a vast network of knowledge encompasses and interconnects all of us, to fulfil gaps in healthcare problem and their existing solutions…!

The impact of cancer on a patient, their family and society is beyond measure.

While many labs and institutes are tirelessly working towards a cure of cancer, attempting to decipher their behaviour, biology, genetics, natural history, outcome etc., these efforts are largely in silos. Only few genetic abnormalities in glioblastoma are known, with many more unknown; most succumb to disease within 14 months; yet there are few like John (John Ostrom, 1960-2024) who cannot even tolerate radiation-chemotherapy, and like a shockwave to those who love him, succumbed to cancer far too soon; and there are those who achieve reasonable treatment response; and surprisingly enough, a few healthy long-term survivors. Wonder why….?

The John Ostrom legacy for glioblastoma: A beginning | Knowledge-driven care for cancer, and beyond!

The outcome of glioblastoma has not changed since its early knowledge (now almost a century), and yet the world of surgeons, scientists, innovators worldwide struggle to find answers.

And what about other brain cancers (or cancers and disease in general afflicting populations alike) – benign, malignant, metastatic (distant tumour travel from skin, lungs or kidney…)? Do these contribute to one’s disease behaviour or that of others suffering similar cancer? Is there a hidden link based on their genetic make-up, or that of their family members’ or that of the populations or geographical distribution… or even work or travel history?

Led by Dr. Garnette Sutherland, Professor of Neurosurgery and globally known technology innovator/inventor, the data innovation team committed to brain tumor  at Project neuroArm-University of Calgary (coinciding well with Dr. Sutherland’s new responsibility in directing the Surgical Neuro-oncology team in Calgary),  believes that the answer may squarely lie in the world of data.

This research team (with a track record of translating research innovations to the operating room (OR), for widespread clinical adoption), has created a unique brain tumor-specific foundational data architecture (built on knowledge graph), called INTERCONNECTIVITY. Building upon a state-of-the-art graph data infrastructure for their smart surgical system, INTERCONNECTIVITY is a knowledge-driven intelligent software platform, architected to accommodate and weave through all linked information on a given patient, make connections, and extract meaningful information. The system is architected with graph-based representation of data as nodes, interposed with proprietary generative knowledge extraction algorithm (a custom-AI model), able to derive intelligent reasoning taking into account its global pool of similar information, e.g. the NIH,, the basket trial, WHO etc.

A dynamic digital data repository that grows with each new patient receiving care, INTERCONNECTIVITY can update itself, getting better with incremental data or patients added to its dynamic digital repository. Built to expand, with robust foundational platform, this vision is novel, the model real, and incorporates evolving advances at global scale. Quite literally a human-brain like network of data connectivity across disease and patient-specific data nodes, INTERCONNECTIVITY looks towards deciphering patient-specific problem of brain cancer, with contextual details, including what may be unknown or never thought of. With glioblastoma as its index node, an incurable brain cancer to date, the platform will encompass data from many patients like John Ostrom to fulfil gaps in knowledge, and utilize every known data out there, towards exploring and advancing comprehensive cure for glioblastoma and perhaps all cancers!

Using patient data, e.g. MR imaging, tumor pathology/genetic characteristics, past medical history, other disease or surgery (a remote biopsy of a mole, or tooth extraction…), clinical status before and after surgery, age, race-heritage, occupational history, history of family illnesses, travel history, geo-graphical linkage, to name a few, INTERCONNECTIVITY is taking shape, one node at a time.  

In an era when solutions are expected to be built for communities and applicable across global spectrum, INTERCONNECTIVITY is such a solution!

To find out more or meet with this team or tour Dr. Sutherland’s Project neuroArm research facility, please visit:

Dynamic Digital Innovation | Data Science ML | KnowledgeGRAPH-Kafka-LLM - The IoT-OR Theme

The IoT-Operating Room, IoT-OR…

Securely To and From the Operating Room: An End-to-End Pipeline of Digital Journey

Advances in agile software, machine intelligence based on sensors, data dynamics and pattern recognition and immersive user interface, have fortuitously allowed our data rich environment to custom-develop unique methodology and algorithms.

  • Happening now: Customization of contemporary tools that allow real-time dynamic connectivity, information update and feedback loop, not yet possible in OR/medical technology!

The operating room, that centres around providing exemplary care to the sole patient on the table, is a secure closed-door environment mandated to do just that.

In an era where digital health presents opportunities for seamless workflow, access to information and patient care (amongst other advantages and potential benefits), Project neuroArm has a unique approach to digital innovation in health care.

This surgeon-led team at Project neuroArm offers new opportunities harnessed from the big data, thanks to the sensorized surgical devices/robotics, to create a secure cloud platform whereby surgery and surgical performance is automatically recorded, recognized, analyzed and returned to surgeons…. towards improved surgeon learning, skill acquisition, and performance, all of which can be translated to improved patient safety and standardized care.

Such a platform enables advanced care through secure global connectivity in cloud, machine analytics and data safety monitoring in perpetuity for precision surgery. This end-to-end pipeline even returns procedure-performance feedback to the surgeon via secure mobile or web applications. No other operating room technology offers such!

The team with multiple patents in this domain, is presently developing what is named an IoT-OR - literally, a safe and optimal utility of Internet of Things in patient care - from concept to reality.

Molecular, Vibrational Profiling of Brain Tumours/CNS pathology

Ongoing R&D:

Through trans-Canada collaboration (NRC Ottawa UofVictoria and teams within UofCalgary), Dr. Sutherland and his team have successfully established the process of identification of cell-specific contrast agents and molecular/immunological markers for brain tumour (glioma, meningioma) and other CNS pathology such as traumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative disease etc.

The team is mobilizing these efforts towards a data-driven digital platform utilization, whereby risk prediction models, machine-learning based quantification of histopathological signatures, or vibrational profiles of disease versus normal brain are interrogated and created. These activities, including intra-operative visualization for both image-guidance and resection control are vital for rapid diagnostics, enhanced patient care and safety.

From Space and Back…

Towards Robot-Assisted Space Telemetry / Remote Surgery …

Ongoing R&D:

The evolution of neuroArm using space R&D for terrestrial application to benefit neurosurgical patients, has offered the notion of tele-robotics in low gravity scenario, beginning with low earth orbit such as the International Space Station (ISS). One such theme is the utility of a light weight robot, a version of CellARM, for space telemetry, whereby astronaut mentoring may be performed from earth for emergency procedures. With the rapidly progressing deep space exploration and travel, the Project neuroArm team has been studying and developing a tele-robotic platform accounting for variable delay in space and execution of remote operations.



Developing now…..

The application of Quantum analytics/computing is being considered for a state-of-the-art multi-sensory robotic system, a next gen. neuroArm - the neuroArm+CellARM System, to assist fast parallel processing, high-fidelity meta analytics to generate accurate, precise, meaningful surgeon-machine interaction and performance in realtime …

Welcoming thoughts and concepts within and across teams.