The SmartForceps System R&D
The SmartForceps System: Learning from neuroArm, it was evident that sensors and digital transformation enabled quantification of surgery in realtime through sensorized surgical tools. Intelligent software interface, cloud computing and machine learning allowed an end-to-end pipeline whereby forces of tool-tissue interaction during surgery is processed, auto-analyzed, and returned to the surgeon as surgical performance reporting via secure mobile/web applications. Built in machine learning and advanced data science showed that the technology is beyond a mere digital display/record of intra-operative tool-tissue force in Newtons, but a system that for the first time, generates the finesse of surgery!
Built in collaboration with Bissinger GmbH. Teningen, Germany, and other corporate partners, and adopted by OrbSurgical Ltd ( a spin-off company, as a receptacle for new IP germinating from Project neuroArm, for protection and broader translation), the SmartForceps System continues its journey to wider regulatory approvals and global adoption.
Ongoing technology advancement for future technology upgrade continue at Project neuroArm.